
Take a look at some awesome renders of characters and vehicles for your enjoyment and use.


Evidently some fans of Battlefield Heroes are comedy geniuses. Here is their work, including some authors you may not have known about before.


There are some officially released gameplay videos and trailers. When the game is released there will be fan videos too, so get workin on 'em


Whether you want a wallpaper to show off your love for BFH or for style or to compliment your desktop icons, here they are.


These little images that go in your signature are so popular they deserve their own media page.


Don't have the talent or time to make your own avatar? Not to worry, there are lots of simple BFH-related ones for you to choose from.


Want that little tune as your ringtone, or just want to listen to it all day? Here it is to satisfy your cravings.

Other Media

There's lots of miscellaneous media out there. Developer Interviews, random pictures, It all goes in here.

Submit your own creations to be displayed: